Asking Ourselves the Hard Questions.

Hey, readers!

It’s been a while since I last wrote in the Teen Talk category of Ọlaedo – the meat and bones of this blog. So here’s something I’ve put together for today:

In today’s post, I stress the importance of asking ourselves, as tweens, teens and even adults, the hard questions.

I believe that everyone frequently comes to that point in their life when they ask themselves: What am I even doing? What am I living for? What gets me up from bed every morning? How am I living my life every day in respect to what I hope to achieve in life?

… and a score of other related questions. Towards the ending of last year, I resolved to make a new list of my priorities from time to time, so as to keep them up-to-date with the changes in my life.

But let me not give away the gist of this post just yet.

 It’s important to ask ourselves the hard questions, but it’s even more important to answer them honestly and transparently. I may not be able to think up all the questions we need to ask ourselves, because people and their lives are different. But here are some questions we should ask ourselves from time-to-time:

What do I want to achieve in life?

It’s the same as asking: What do I want out of my life? Everyone has a sum-total dream or goal for their life.

Correction: Everyone should have a laid down purpose for their life.

But it’s sad that many people don’t. Maybe they once did, but now they really don’t know anymore. Maybe they’re just going with the flow of things and seeing where they’ll find themselves.

You might have pledged to become something professionally, or maybe have pledged to do something for society, or have pledged to achieve something you know will make an impact in your generation, no matter the size. But that might have been some time ago.

As we grow, change and get into new environments, we experience challenges in our mentalities, and many times, these challenges prevail and change our mentalities. When such a thing happens, we are to sit down and reason out whether or not the change is positive or negative

As a person, there should be that ultimate dream you wish to achieve. It is important to identify what that is early enough, so that your younger (teen) years can be used to lay the foundation for the work that will begin in the prime of your youth.

But who’s limiting? You can be or do whatever you want to, whenever you want to. In our age and time, there are few limits to success.

The takeaway from this is: Sit down and think of what you want to do with your life. You might have done this before, but if you feel like you have undergone some changes in your mentality and that path doesn’t suit you anymore, it’s okay to make a change.

Just make sure you are happy with your life’s goal.

What actions am I taking every day in order to achieve my life’s goal?

It’s not enough to map out your life’s goal; you should also break that goal down into mini-goals that you achieve every day in respect to the big one.

I know I sound like a motivational book. But that’s the truth.

Take for example: I want to be a software engineer. I realised that I don’t have to wait till I’m in university till I start learning the concepts of programming and how to write code. So, I took up learning to code with lecture videos on different programming languages. I may not be getting the same experience as a person going for physical coding classes, but my endeavour is of benefit to me; I find that, during Computer Science classes in school, I have already learnt many of the things I’m being taught, through my coding tutorial videos.

It’s a step – maybe a small one – to achieving my life’s goal.

Whether professionally or humanitarianly, whatever you want to achieve in life should begin TODAY, no matter how small.

The journey of a thousand miles begins with [today’s] step.

What are my values and principles?

I learned what values are from a book tittled The Power of Self-Confidence by Brian Tracy. From what he explained, I can say that values are pillars which hold all your actions; they are those traits or aspects of your life that you cannot compromise for anything, no matter what.

And of course, if you have values, you have to have them in order of importance.

I’ll explain the next heading.👇🏿

‘Principles’ is kind of like my synonym for values. Principles are like your personal Ten Commandments, or a personal constitution. You do not break the rules of your principles no matter what.

So values are like aspects of your life that you arrange in order of importance and make decisions in respect to how important one aspect is to you over the other. While principles are the rules you’ve laid down for yourself to guide your life.

Values and principles are important because they guide our lives. There is a sense of pride that comes about whenever we act according to them, and this continuous sense of pride should exist in order to keep us believing in ourselves and taking us through every day.

Do I prioritize?

Like I said I would, I’ll explain ‘prioritizing’ here. Prioritizing comes about when you’re making your values list, or when you’re just making a list of your priorities.

I didn’t state this earlier, but, taking an example from my values list, your values list can be something like this:




Continuous best standard education

Beneficial company

Going by this list of values, it means that in a time when I’m to choose between my friends and, maybe, continuing my education abroad, I would have to choose my education. It means that if I had to choose between doing something of my will I ‘think’ will make me happy and something of God’s will I ‘believe’ will make me happy, I’ll have to pick what God wants first. Why? Because God never gives us more than we can handle; He teaches us, sometimes, with adversity.

So, back to the point. You just need to get some (I’ll call them) traits that summarize aspects of your life and order them according to importance. These will help you whenever you need to make tough decisions. I never forget my values, and they haven’t changed since I defined them in 2019.

Of course, yours can change if necessary, but make sure that the change is for good, that it will make you a better person as you live by them.

And when you come to priorities, they are the sentence form of values. An excerpt from my latest priorities list is:


Being a better person (personal growth)

My values and self-confidence (personal life)

My parents

My exams

Coding (career)

… etc.

Usually, your priorities should be a reflection of your values, because your values are – should be – the backbone, the foundation of all your actions.

Prioritization is important at frequent intervals because we, as well as the pattern of our lives, are constantly undergoing change. I advise to make a list of your priorities at least at the beginning of every month. It will help you to take on the month with a sense of control and purposefulness. And if it seems your priorities are still the same, it’s okay to leave them as they are. The most important thing is keeping to them.

And – talking honestly –  I may not have perfected the fine art of prioritizing, or even always sticking to my priorities, but I really do try; I try because I believe prioritizing is a good cause to chase after.

Who are my friends?

Who-are-your-friends? What kind of people do you associate with? What do you look for when choosing close friends? Can you tell the difference between fake friends and true friends?

These are the kind of questions you need to ask yourself now.

From my JSS3 (that should be, like, eighth grade in the American school system, I guess), I told myself that my classmates, the people my age I relate most frequently with, were of little benefit to me, because they cared about the wrong things. As a result, I shut myself out of conversations with those of them I knew were of little benefit, and only talked to a few people about non-academics-related things. I did have a classmate who was a close friend, though, but he was only good for talking about career-related, academics or school-related things, and he was also a boy. I could never really talk to him about, y’know… personal stuff.

But it was ironic, though, that my best friend later on was a boy. I made him my best friend still in JSS3. I was drawn to him majorly because of his coding knowledge. I still say this with pride that: he dared me to take up here-and-now coding; meaning, he made me see that I didn’t have to be in university before I could begin writing code. So, our friendship sprang up from the mutual ground of the quest for coding knowledge… and has continued till today – although not as strong as it was back then. 😥

So the point of this whole narration was that you should be brave enough to decide what kind of people will actually benefit you if they come into your life. I’m not saying you should shut every other type of person out – that was a mistake I made back then that I have corrected. All I’m saying is to choose those friends that you will keep close and those that will be far, in order to avoid corruption and/or diversion.

What kind of relationships am I getting into?

I suppose you must have guesstimated (can’t believe this is a word 🤯) what will be contained in this heading.

Yes, at that point in our lives when we will, we will begin to feel for someone, and a relationship might start to bud. Decide early if you’re ready to have a serious relationship, so you don’t go playing with someone’s heart 💔 and wasting their time.

I highly recommend you check out my post, Don’t Settle for Less. After reading it, I know you’ll be convinced of the importance of setting standards for the kind of relationship you wish to have.

Look before you leap. Nowadays, people with true intentions are becoming harder and harder to find. Look well before you pour out your heart and life and time and opportunities at the expense of a person.

As always, I recommend prioritization, and discovering first who you are and what YOU want out of YOUR life, before you begin to lean on someone else.

Am I academics-inclined, skill-inclined or talent-inclined?

Yes. A very important heading to discuss. The failure of most people stems from the fact that they do not know their inclination.

By default, parents want their children to be academics-inclined, and that is why they send us to school. But as the years go by, our true inclinations surface, and it is only the discerning, brave people who realise them and make a shift.

The academics-inclined person dreams of becoming some professional, like a doctor, lawyer, geologist, software engineer, 👧🏿✌🏿 or any profession that involves study and training in order to actualize.

The skill-inclined person does not really focus on academics or study or stuff like that. He only learns the skills he needs for his profession. Such a person could go on to become a baker, a furniture maker, a hair-dresser, a fashion designer, a crafts-maker, a salesman, or even an electronics expert of some sort. All skillinclined people need is to learn the skills they require or are interested in, and they’re happy doing what interests them.

The work of the talentinclined person originates from within. Before any advanced formal education, such a person already begins to show special prowess or expertise in doing something. And out of their love for something that feels natural and easy for them, they go on to pursue that career or line of study. Talent-inclined people often go on to become dancers, writers, 👧🏿✌🏿 artists, hair-dressers, bakers, crafts-makers, comedians, musicians, actors, makeup artists (who are also artists) and many more. The main thing here is that their career choices stem out from their natural, default likings and expert abilities.

BuuUUUUt. Before you begin to claim that you are skill-inclined and not academics-inclined, or whatever, carefully examine yourself and tell yourself the truth. I believe that the academics-inclination is the hardest to pursue, but we should not run away from something and begin to make excuses against it just because it seems hard.

The joy is always in the chase… the struggles of the chase, that is.

Make careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don’t be impressed with yourself. Don’t compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.

-Galatians 6:4-5. The Message Bible.

Do I believe in God and/or religion?

Notwithstanding the stereotypes that exist in our society (when speaking from a Nigerian’s perspective), we should ask ourselves whether we truly believe in God and/or religion.

I hear many people say nowadays that they are ‘agnostic’, some others say they believe God exists, but they don’t believe in religion, others say they don’t see the need in going to church, others challenge the doctrines of whatever church or religious institution they wish, and some others, like me, stick to their religion and live by it the best they can because it gives them satisfaction.

The truth of the matter is that humans were created for supplication. A person must always feel the need to acknowledge a supreme or controlling force for certain things happening in his life. It just puts us in perspective.

Nowadays, there is more freedom for things like these, people now define their religiosity. That’s fine. Even God gave us the freedom to choose. Ask yourself whether or not you believe in God or religion and give reasons why, so that you can convince yourself, and anyone who asks you, on the reasons for your decision.

What do I see as ‘right’ and ‘wrong’?

I was discussing with my best friend two Sundays ago, and he told me that the best way to live my life is to: do what I know is right and don’t do what I know is wrong.

I still marvel at how wise that boy’s words always seem to sound to me.

Define what you believe is ‘wrong’ and ‘right’, and live accordingly. Always remember to be honest, and to try your best.

Who are the important people in my life, and how am I reciprocating their impact on me?

The heading is self-explanatory. There must be people who impact positively in your life, in whatever aspect. Make sure that their love, care and support is not one-sided. Anyone who cares for and supports you should be important in your life. Always make them see that their care and support are being acknowledged, and try your best to show them the same in return.

Remember that no man is an island. We’re all in this together. You can’t do it alone, so don’t push away the people who love, care and support you by being so self-centered. Pay attention to everyone.

Love’s repaid by love alone.

And after a ton of finger movements over my keyboard, and a million typing errors, I reserve the right to say that this post is done. I know it’s long (if you were so polite to read it all till the end), but I also know it’s not boring. (Yup. I said it.)

So be brave enough to ask and keep asking yourself these questions, and answer them truthfully. You’ll be amazed at how much more organized your life will be, how much clearer your vision will be, and how much more fulfilled you’ll feel as you take on every day.

Yup. Still sounding like a motivational book.

Ciao, 💋

P.S. I guess you’ve noticed my featured image.

*wink wink*

The Remarkable Blogger Tag.

Hey, readers!

I’m soooo excited to be doing this tag!


‘Cause this is the first tag I’ve ever been nominated for!🎉🎊✨

The Remarkable Blogger Tag was started by Selina of Selina’s Garden of Thoughts. I was nominated for this tag by both the creator and Maggie sometime last week but I wasn’t able to do it sooner because of the mid-term test in my school.

But I’m done with the test now, so over to the tag:


  • Add the featured image.🖼
  • Tag your post with #the remarkable blogger tag.
  • Pingback to original post.😌
  • Mention the creator.👋
  • Share something unique about you.🥰
  • Answer the nine questions the person who nominated you has asked.🤔
  • Ask nine questions for your nominees.😁
  • Nominate 10-15 people.😆
  • Have fun!🤩

Something Unique About Me. 👧🏾

I have a cheerful aura. Wherever I go, people always remember me for how cheerful and happy I am, or just for my smile. 😁

Questions Selina Asked: 😘

If you could turn back time, what would you change?

I would change all my actions that hurt the people that mean most to me.

Where’s your go-to happy place?

Ummmm. That would have to be anywhere, really. Anywhere outside that’s quiet, where I can think things out; anywhere I can sit and feel the cool breeze brush against my skin.

Are you an introvert, extrovert or ambivert?

The definitions of ‘ambivert’ I find on the Internet are vague, but I have the feeling it means a combo of introvert and extrovert, and that’s definitely who I am!

What are three things you look for in a good friend?

I look out for someone I can trust with anything.

I look out for someone who can be my adviser and shoulder to cry on.

I look out for someone who is tolerant and forgiving, ‘cause I know I’m far from perfect.

What are some of your hobbies?

My hobbies are: reading, writing, listening to music, aaaaaand napping. 😴

Why did you start blogging?

I originally wanted Ọlaedo to be a kind of network where Nigerian teens could connect and share their stories and advice. But I saw that coding a social network or forum would be a hassle my coding skills were not yet matched for, so I resulted to blogging. And I hope my blog will really be able to ‘Inspire, Inform and Motivate’ teens to be better than they are. 🌷

How has the COVID-19 pandemic impacted you and your family?

In Nigeria, people only took the pandemic seriously in 2020, when the news of COVID-19 cases and deaths were all over the place. But now, life is back to normal in Naija.

But to say of the impact it’s had on my family, I would say it has made us to realise that just because we may seem comfortable and safe, there are still people in other parts of the world going through hardships and pains, and we should learn to think of and pray for them too.

It’s also taught us not to take things for granted.

What trait did you wish you had?

I wish I had the trait of trust. That is, I wish I could trust people more and easily.

Many of the reasons why I have hurt people that mean much to me stem from the fact that I don’t trust them fully, although they trust me much. And so, I always find myself trying to protect myself from hurt, but in the end hurt them by my actions.

What’s your favorite quote?

Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world and all there ever will be to know and understand.

-Albert Einstein.

My Nominees’ Questionnaire.

  • Why did you start blogging?
  • What do you wish to have achieved with your blog by its next anniversary?
  • When you have a huge number of problems to solve, do you:
    • Sit down and make a list of them, from the most to the least important?
    • Do the one that seems most pressing there and then?
    • Grumble and do the easiest, hoping that the rest will become less stressful by the time you reeeaaallly have to do them?🙈
    • Do some other thing not mentioned here? (Please mention).
  • What was/is your worst subject while in secondary/high school?
  • If you could have three wishes, what would you wish for?
  • Who is/are that/those persons in your life you wish you could get rid of but just have to deal with. 😂
  • What is the sum-total vision for your life?
  • Do you:
    • Study every day in preparation for exams from day-one of the term?
    • Begin studying whenever you did really bad in a surprise test?
    • Study whenever you feel like it?
    • Have a study state-of-emergency the night before exams?
  • What trait or bodily feature do you still have from when you were a child?

And My Nominees Are…

And that’s it, peeps! It was really mid-racking answering all those questions, but even more challenging making questions of my own.

This tag is so fun! Thanks to Selina for creating the tag; and thanks to her and Maggie for tagging me! 🤗🤗🤗 I’m really pleased as a peach. 🍑 (Or is it plum?)

And please, if weren’t mentioned but still want to take part in this tag, you’re more than welcome to do so; it’s really an adventure!!!

I’ll be sure to do a tag of my own someday.

Till next time.👋🏾

Ciao, 💋

A Pre-Val’s Day Appeal.

Hey readers!

As we all know, Valentines Day is coming up in some days’ time. Gifts will begin moving out to friends and loved ones and all the Val’s Day cheer will be all over the place.💕

But there’s a problem.

Correction: I have a problem.

I have no idea what to do for Valentines Day.😭

I’m on a really tight budget, so tight that I can’t afford fancy gifts. And what’s worse, any reasonable, beautiful, worthwhile gift is expensive in my area!

So, what I’m trying to say is: I need advice on what to get my friends and family for Valentines Day.

Your input will be very, very much appreciated.

In angst,

The Blogger Recommendations Tag.

Hey, readers!

Maggie of Maggie’s Doodles recently took part in The Blogger Recommendations Tag. The tag was started by Nehal of Quirky Pages and is really fun, actually.

Maggie is a blogger I follow, and when I saw her post in the Reader, I knew I had to be a part of the tag. I know some really cool blogs, and I’ll be sure to give honour to whom honour is due in today’s post. But first:

About the Tag

The Blogger Recommendations Tag is essentially a way for bloggers to share some of their favorite bloggers with their readers. It helps the readers discover more blogs and also brings appreciation to the bloggers mentioned.

Description courtesy of Nehal, the tag creator.

Rules of the Tag

  • Thank and link back to the person who tagged you.
  • Mention the creator of the tag: Nehal @ Quirky Pages.
  • List the rules.
  • Share one or more bloggers you think fits into each criterion.
  • The people you mention will be considered tagged.
  • Apart from the ones you shared, you can tag other bloggers and notify them.
  • Just have fun!!

List of Prompts

  • A fascinating blog theme.
  • A lovely homepage.
  • Great book reviews.
  • Amazing humour.
  • Mind-blowing poems and stories.
  • The friendliest.
  • The most consistent.
  • The best at sharing tips.
  • The talented artist.
  • Cool site name.
  • The underrated.

A fascinating blog theme.

  • Evin @ A Curly Sue’s Ramblings – Evin has to be tops on this list. Hers was the first WP blog I ever came across, and her blog theme is uh-mazing! (Especially as she’s changed her theme back to the last one she used!)
  • Maggie @ Maggie’s Doodles – I just came across her blog recently and I was awe-struck. Pink is the most predominant colour in her blog’s theme, and it really just makes sense.
  • Selina @ A Garden of Thoughts – I actually just found her blog this week from Maggie’s Blogger Recommendations Tag post. Her blog is so pretty that it’s earned a space on ma list!

A lovely homepage.

Great book reviews.

Y’know I read book reviews and recommendations, but I never really do actually read the books. Why? No time, aaaand no resources of my own!😂

  • Rayna @ Ray is Writing – She’s a bookish 12-year-old. I like her writing, but I especially love her feature images.
  • Mallory @ Starlight Reading – Just like Mallory, I really love books, myself. And I really like the lively way she writes her book reviews. If you’re a bookie,📚 you should really check her blog out.

Amazing humour.

  • Silver Stone @ The Bored Side of the Phone – Found her blog from Maggie’s post. Her posts are really jovial and lively. Sure to leave you smiling. (Like me 😁)
  • Maggie @ Maggie’s Doodles – Maggie’s Doodles has earned another spot! Her posts are super animated and lively. But adjectives are not enough to describe such an animatedly-lively writing style.
  • Nehal @ Quirky Pages – Nehal’s had sooo many mentions throughout my post! And guess she’s getting a lot more mentions in the posts of all those doing the tag.


Maybe I should start a tag of my own 🤔…

Mind-blowing poems and stories.

I don’t really read stories or poems on WordPress. So, to keep things honest, I have no bloggers to mention here.

The friendliest.

  • Zainab @ Zainab Chats – Y’know, it’s really humbling when a person already established in the blogosphere stoops down to look at bloggers like me who’re yet to find their footing. In my first days of blogging, Zainab was always there to like my posts and respond to my comments in such a kind way. So, she deserves her spot. 💯
  • IB @ It’s IB! – IB is also one of those humble, friendly bloggers. She’s always sure to flood her readers with amazing posts.
  • Anoushkha @ Dipped in Ink– The comment she made on my about page is so touching. 😥 And it is the first official comment I’ve ever received on my blog. Other bloggers have commented before (when I first began blogging), but it was majorly because I enjoined them to do so. And when I checked out her blog, Dipped in Ink, I was sooo glad I did!
  • Safa @ One Indian Girl – Although I just met Safa some months ago, I’ve found that she’s a really amazing and relatable person. There’s nothing more moving than seeing a heart-felt reply to your comment on someone’s blog. I get that warm feeling from Safa’s replies.

The most consistent.

Okay, for the record, all – sorry – all, except for those who’ve gone inactive, the bloggers I know of are consistent and active. But I have to give this spot to:

  • Zainab @ Zainab Chats – There’s never a time I come to the Reader that I don’t see Zaianb’s post/s. I don’t just like her consistency, but I also like the fact that she posts multiple posts most of the time. (Now, that’s commitment.)

The best at sharing tips.

  • Evin @ A Curly Sue’s Ramblings – This is Evin’s third mention!🥇🥇🥇 (That’s sayin’ someth’n’, peepl). Evin’s blogging tips are frequent and substantial. I never read her ‘tips’ posts without leaving with added info. You can read her most recent ‘tips’ post here.
  • Zainab @ Zainab Chats – Zainab is an aspiring journalist aiming to spread positivity, and she’s really spreading positivity as she dishes out tips for information and well-being. I love her sometimes short but quality ‘tips’ posts. You can check out one my favourites here.

The talented artist.

  • Evin @ A Curly Sue’s Ramblings – The fact that I’ve mentioned some people multiple times doesn’t mean that I don’t know much bloggers…

… well, maybe it does.

It just means that these guys are the best at what they do, and Evin’s pics and graphics are second to none.

  • Selina @ A Garden of Thoughts – Her pictures are sooo pretty! 😍
  • Maggie @ Maggie’s Doodles Well, Maggie’s doodles are… doodles. But I love the way she uses them in her posts. It makes them cheery, lively and unique.😊😊
  • Rayna @ Ray is Writing – You’ve gotta love her feature images.

Cool site name.

  • Silver Stone @ The Bored Side of the Phone – When I first heard this name I was like whaa??? The name is so simple that it’s catchy.
  • Evin @ A Curly Sue’s Ramblings – I guess a Curly Sue means a person with really curly hair. I’ve never seen Evin before, but I wonder how an Indian can have curly hair. In movies, Indians always have long, straight hair. But that’s by the way. Her site’s name is really great. ♥

The underrated.

 I’m not trying to proclaim that anyone mentioned here is underrated, I just feel that more people should get to know about their blogs.

  • Anita @ Blog Femme & Infos – Anita’s blog is one that focuses on female well-being and information sharing. The entire blog is in French, but there’s a translator function for non-French speakers.
  • Mae @ OriginalTeenMuslimah – She’s Birtish teen Muslim. She basically writes like a dreamer: slow and deliberate (if that makes any sense, sha). And the most predominant colour in her blog is purple.🍇
  • Hidenzzz @ Hiddenzz – To write truthfully, I just think Hidenzz is a great blog that deserves a boost for more attention.👍🏾

So, without further ado, I raise my fingers from the keyboard. ✋🏾✋🏾 It was really mind-racking, finding all the bloggers to mention. I really hope you’ll take a look at these blogs here. I assure you, you won’t regret it. 👍🏾

Shout out to all the uh-mazing bloggers I mentioned here, and also to the ones that slipped my mind.😢 You’re all inspirations to me, and one of the strongest forces that keep me going. ❤❤❤

And if you want to take part in The Blogger Recommendations Tag, please do. Remember to follow the rules, have fun with it, and, please, don’t forget to mention me.

Till next time, y’all. 👋🏾

Ciao. 💋

After School Routines I Recommend.

Hey, readers!

This seemed like the most appropriate blog post to write, since my school life has been trespassing into other parts of my life for the past few weeks.

Thus the reason I didn’t post for some weeks.

In a sense, apart from my encroaching academic life, you can also say that I’ve kinda gotten into my ‘get through it’ routine again. But I’m out of it… as soon as I realised I was in it.

So, with the introductory ramblings done, I guess I should move into the post proper.

For this post I’ve drafted down two of my after school routines. I hope they’ll be of help for anyone who finds it hard to get things done and still have a bit of breathing space at the end of the day.

Like me *hehe*

So ‘ere it is:

After School Routine 1

  • I get back from school by, say, 4pm at most, so 4pm is the starting time. From 4pm, I give myself 2 hours to get house chores done.
  • First, I put water in the kettle for my siblings and I to have our after-school baths.
  • While the water’s on the fire, I wash plates and then clean our school shoes.
  • Most times, the water gets ready before I’m done with cleaning or washing, so I turn it off and then finish.
  • When I’m done, I go and have a bath, bathe my little sis, and then wash our school uniforms.
  • As I go to spread the clothes I washed outside, I start to warm the food we’re to eat. 🥧
  • We eat, I wash up the plates.
  • My siblings and I chat a little, and before I know it, it’s 5:45 or 6 already.
  • *I sometimes prepare our evening food, or the food we’re to take to school the next day. (Whenever I do this, I finish my chores by 7 or 7:30pm).
  • I set my alarm for 10pm and go to bed.
  • I wake up by 10pm to read, ‘cause by then, everyone is asleep, and I can read in peace. 😇 I also set another alarm for 2:30am (or sometimes 3am, if I wake up by 11pm), so I can go back to sleep in preparation (that word sounds too serious 😂) for my next wake-up-time: 4:30am.
  • And by 4:30am, I wake up and prepare for school.
Photo by Monstera on

After School Routine 2

  • I get back from school by 4pm.
  • Eat.
  • Have my after-school bath, alongside my siblings, and wash our school uniforms.
  • Spread the washing outside and clean our shoes.
  • Wash plates.
  • *As the case may be, I prepare our evening food, or food for the next morning.
  • As always, I chat a little with my siblings before I move on to do my homework or read.
  • I usually do my homework or read till, like 7:30 or 8 before I feel sleepy and need to rest. When this happens, I set my alarm for 11pm and go to sleep.
  • I wake up by 11pm, or sometimes 12am and begin reading or finishing up my homework. I set my back-to-sleep alarm for 3am.
  • By 3, I go back to sleep, to wake up for school by 4:30.

My after school routine depends on how I feel for the day. If I come back from school extremely fatigued, I know I have to eat once I come back. But the personal dislike I have for Routine 2 is that by the time I’m done eating, I’ll be full and then begin to feel lazy.😂

Routine 1 is my all-time best, and I try to follow it the best I can.

Yes, there are days when unexpected events pop up and eat deep into time frames, but at such points I just have to do the most important things and leave the rest.

Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.

-Mathew 6:34.

So these are my after school routines. I really hope they’ve been of help to anyone who’s having a hard time making do with all the commitments of each part of their life… after school.

I’d really love to hear from you! Tell me in the comments what your after school routine looks like, and if mine helped you in any way.

Ciao. 😘


Just a little note: It felt really good to write an Ideas and Info post from my own ideas alone. I haven’t written in this category in a long while because I’ve always felt that to write a post that passes across info on how to do something or on how to improve a part of your life, you need to have made ‘substantial research’ and stuff like that.

But having seen ‘how to’ and ‘tips’ blog posts from fellow bloggers written from their own ideas, it felt just right to write one of my own.

After all, 90% of the stuff we read on the Internet has already been thought of and written by someone else. In reality, one article is only more popular than the next because of:

  • Search engine rankings by date, relevance and SEO.
  • And the simple truth that the writer of the article you liked just managed to make his content more interesting than the former.

January Wrap-Up.

Hey, readers!

Happy new month!

Wow. I’ve begun to see how much work and attention a blog needs. I personally love writing, but etching out time to write blog posts and publishing them at regular intervals is really a lot of work.

But dats bye da wei.

The tittle: ‘January Wrap-Up’ sounds so foreign. Being a semi-new blogger, this is my third wrap-up. My previous wrap-ups sounded like: ‘November Wrap-Up’, ‘December Wrap-Up’, and now comes ‘January’.

Jeh-nu-ah-ree (as most of us Nigerians would pronounce it.)

It’s a four-syllable word that sounds foreign as is used in the tittle – to me.

That’s just what I wanted to say – in essence.

Now that I’m done wasting your time – if you noticed.

Let’s get into my jeh-nu-ah-ree.

Y’know, only a few readers will notice that was just trying to be amusing and/or funny.

Hope it worked.😜


Photo by Godisable Jacob on

Well, my blogging escapades this month were very few. School just started for second term, and the rush of assignments and study deadlines kinda made me keep blogging aside for a bit. And I could only get out one post for all of January😭:

I also have a bit of good news to share: my blog reached 100+ all-time views, and now as 20 followers! An improvement when compared to the developments of last month.

It’s amazing how WordPress helps foster community. I find new blogs all the time. And the ones I found this month that most interested me are:

In the same light, from the blogs I already follow, I enjoyed reading the posts of the following bloggers this month:

Soooo, that’s ‘bout it for this. Keep scrolling, please. 👇🏾

My Spiritual Life.

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on

This month, God and I basically worked together. As always, there was a time my faith made a sharp plummet, but God, the more capable, stronger and wiser ‘Colleague’, raised me up and kept me going.

I did something really kinda stupid this month. It hurt someone very dear to me, and I prayed that God would touch his heart to forgive me… and God did! I’m more than thankful for what God is doing in my life, and how He’s using my relationship to make me a better person.

And quite amazingly, after the whole incident and I was forgiven, I found a verse in Proverbs 17:

Love forgets mistakes.

-Proverbs 17:9. The Living Bible.

That was so true in my case. It was because of love that I was forgiven. 💕

My Personal Life.

Photo by Yaroslav Shuraev on

The stupid thing I did this month made me begin to ask myself questions about who I really am and what it is that I believe in.

I messed up… bad.

But the thing that happened made me realise the amazing people I have in my life, it made me realise that it is important to hold on to the people who look out for you, reprimand you, care for you and make you smile every day.

Before this, I was ungrateful and selfish – as I came to realise.

But it surprised me, because I try my best to be near God, so why did God still let these still be part of my personality?

Simple answer: He wanted me realise it and decide to change all on my own. And then He wanted me to ask for His help to finish the work of changing.

So, my personal life this month was one of ‘broken-heartedness’, followed by an epiphany, and now strong-willed efforts (and prayers) to redefine my person and get rid of my ungrateful and selfish sides.

School Life.

Photo by Julia M Cameron on

Like I said in my wrap-up for last month, I’m shooting for the moon for my exams. This means reading a lot and stuff like that. Well, I’m not reading a lot.. I’m hardly even keeping up with assignments.😥

I really want to be done with secondary school and pull of my school uniform and school bag for good, but it’s a long, long way between now and the end of it.

I’m really trying to regain my footing. The best remedy for this is another definition of my priorities, and the setting of some short-term goals.

Wish me luck!🌷

So, that’s my January in three headings. I hope you liked it!

Ciao, 💋


Is it just me, or did January go by so quickly?!🤔❄🌞☘🌳🌺🍀